Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Contents page - Finished.


This is my new and improved 2 page spread. I have made many changes, such as the font, borders on images, and added a lot more text. I have used both pages thoroughly by includes images on both, as well as enough text. This layout is highly influenced by many of Rolling Stones layouts in their magazines. 

Article - 2 page spread

I have begun creating my 2 page spread, and this is the type of layout and structure I want to use. A lot of work has to be done to this to make it improve. So far, I have the beginning of my article and my opening quote, as well as the images I think work best. I have based my double page spread on similar ones to Rolling Stones, rather than using one, I have combined many conventions of each the double page spread layouts I have looked at so it's to it's best ability.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Front cover

I have created two front covers, both with the same conventions except different images. They are both very similar, but have different layouts. I'm not too sure which one will work best, I will have to decide. 

Audience research - Questions + Results.

Copy of article

This article was made up by me doing a lot of research into Lady Gaga. A lot of headline stories which we hear of Lady Gaga are addressed in my questions. Key quotes are used which I extracted from the internet. I feel that this article tells the reader Lady Gaga's life, and her struggles. 

Contents page draft + front cover draft

These are the drafts of my music magazine contents and front cover pages. They are very simple, sophisticated and formal. Rolling stones aims to have a very simple looking front cover, with a striking image to catch the readers attention. I have chosen to use the same type of technique with one large image covering the whole of the page, with a few headlines. 

I have used clear outlined boxes to show where text or images will be placed. These are just rough ideas, and I may improve the layout slightly when it comes to designing my actual front cover and contents page.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Images to be used for my magazine

These images are going to be featured in my magazine for my main article. They will be used on the front cover, contents and double page spread.

The artist I am responding to is Lady Gaga, and in order to achieve the 'Lady Gaga' look I had to create a unique dress. Lots of preparation went into this, as I had to make a bubble wrap dress - made out of bubble wrap. I used many different techniques whilst taking these photos, I considered the angling and lighting. I felt that it was appropriate to have my Lady Gaga model placed against a very plain background, so the bright pink colours would stand out. I used mid shot and close up shots mainly in order to capture and highlight the Lady Gaga model, and nothing else. I took a range of images, and edited them to make them look professional. I did by changing the contrast and saturation. 

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Research into music magazine

All these music magazines are very different from each other and they each consists of different layouts and conventions in order to attract a certain audience. Each magazine contains recognisable and typical conventions, on all the magazines the mastheads are memorable and are almost seen as a logo. It is easy to see the different genres within these music magazines as they are designed accordingly. They are all very eye catching, with professional images. They all feature different artists such as Cheryl Cole on q as she is a mainstream artist. 

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Flat plan for my music magazine

This is my flat plan, it shows what my magazine will contain. I see this as a guide as it helps me to create my contents page as I know what I can include. Now that I know what I want to include in my magazine, I have begun to think about my magazine name. I am stuck between 'Live' and 'Audio', both are very similar but I think 'Live' will be more appropriate. 

To make my flat plan, I read through a whole magazine to get an idea of what they include. Whilst doing this, I noticed that a music magazine contains lot of related advertisements such as festivals, downloads, new album etc. I took all this into account when designing my own flat plan